
Thursday 9 January 2014

4 days

Felicity has now been with us for 4 days and of course I am no less charmed by her, she really is the sweetest little thing. She is so tiny and delicate though that Cassie seems to have trebled in size overnight! Cassie herself seems to be having a bit if a tough time, she clearly is quite taken with her sister, but doesn't understand why she's not allowed to really play with her and she's also very jealous. Moments like this make me realise that everything will work out though.

Obviously I've not had much time for anything not baby related over the last few days. I'm not even sure I've managed to sleep lying down so knitting has fallen by the way side but I did manage to get a pic of Felicity in the final of her trio of woolly Wormhead hats and because I've had far too much time in the middle of the night with only a baby and an iPad I've made a little collage of the whole collection. Cute huh?


1 comment:

Renee Anne said...

Cassie is going to be jealous for awhile, sadly. She's old enough to understand that baby Felicity is her sister but she doesn't quite have the ability to recognize that Felicity has a lot more needs than she does, and that they're immediate. Something that can help is having Cassie help with things like changing diapers, bottles, toys, etc. It'll get better and all will be well.

When Little Man was small, I spent a lot of time playing games on my iPhone while I fed him...especially in the middle of the night.