2013 was a good year for me craft wise and also blog wise, I made the most posts ever and it's helped me keep track of all of my projects and my stash. I'd really like to keep it up again this year, a tough promise to make with a newborn about to be part of my life again but my iPad has made it much easier to throw together a quick post so who knows, it's worth a try. Of course said newborn may make it difficult for me to actually do anything worth blogging about, I don't expect to complete anywhere near the 24 knitting projects I completed in 2013 but I can always fill up the space with cute baby pics!
In the last year I achieved quite a few of my knitting goals, stranded colourwork being one of them. I want to keep practicing at that and would really like to design something myself. In fact I would quite like this to be the year where I do actually take some of the ideas I've had rattling around in my noggin and turn them into real knits.
As far as projects go I would like to actually knit something big, like a cardigan, for myself. I made a start last year with Cria but before long I found out there was a baby on the way and my focus shifted back to little people knits. As I have no idea what size I'm going to end up for a little while it's not realistic to put in any work on that or anything else for me just yet, but later this year I'll get cracking on a big selfish project.
I also need to make something for Stu. He keeps whining how I never make him anything (which if anything makes me rather disinclined to actually do it) but I would like to make him a winter set for next year. I have some green yarn I've spun which will be perfect and I just need to spin up the grey yarn I'd like to go with it and then I can get on with that.
Skill wise I do just really want to concentrate on perfecting things I've learnt to do recently as well as continue to up my repertoire of cast ons/offs. The only thing I have been meaning to do which I keep putting off is crochet. I can do it but I'm very rusty so I'd like to pick at least one crochet project and actually finish it this year.
So, some modest expectations for the year ahead. I wonder how I'll do?