
Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Just yuck

'My nose is just overflowing with awesome and I had to get some of it out'.

I'm not really one for quoting TV shows, but this little gem from How I Met Your Mother succinctly describes my state of health today, but in a much more pithy manner! Yeps, I've got the lurg again. Unfortunately this has not resulted in a couple of miserable but knitting filled days at home because I have far too much important work to do. Check me out, being a valuable employee! I was going to get on with a bit of knitting tonight but I got Rabbids Go Home for my Wii today, so I thought I'd stick it on and have a little look. That was about 3 hours ago, total time suck! But seriously, what's not to love about a game that has mental rabbits shouting BWAAAAH at people til their clothes fly off and collecting enough bits of bric-a-brac to pile up so they can climb to the moon? Nothing, that's what.

Anyway, just for appearances sake I will mention that I have been thinking about knitting. More specifically I have yet another couple of projects in mind. Firstly I can't get the Skew socks from the Knitty surprises out of my head. I'm thinking about using some Regia Colour I bought ages ago that looks like this (Rav link). These socks are just so clever looking, I love that they are constructed in a very different way to normal but still look cool. I sometime find that people try to do things differently and just end up with something that is way more fuss to constuct and are also fugly. I really hope that is not the case with these. I also ordered some Bamboo Tape yesterday for a little Cap Sleeve Top from Rowan Studio 11. I've been thinking about this for ages, but I have heard so many things about this yarn growing so I haven't risked it. However, I have decided that this will only be small and hopefully therefore not too heavy, plus the yarn was 69p per ball in the Kemps sale so I figure at under a fiver for the whole thing, if it grows I'll just give it to someone bigger. Obviously as tactfully as possible.

Right I'm having a total mare typing this and trying to propel my rabbids over a chasm, using only the power of a sick man's farts. Toodles!

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Well whadd'ya know!


Just as I thought, shortening the skirt and cutting a new facing for the hem was really very easy. I actually just used the original pattern piece as a guide to get the correct curve and then sliced off the bottom of the skirt and used the off cut as the facing. I had to unpick the seams for this bit though because it wouldn't quite fit round otherwise. I then sewed the facing to the bottom of the skirt, set about ironing it, realised the seam was going to be on the outside, unpicked it and did it again correctly. Then I had a cup of tea while I got used to the idea that I needed to hand sew the top of the facing to the inside of the skirt. Frankly I could have done with something a bit stronger, I do hate hand sewing, but I didn't want it to look like it had been sewn by a blind donkey so tea it was. Clearly I got on and did it and I'm really pleased with the end result. So pleased in fact that if Jess doesn't come and claim it soon I may just have to keep it! Actually I do have plans for one of my own, but with a few little modifications. More on that soon, but for now I'm just going to bask in the glory of a job (finally!) well done.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Cable Why!

I've been trying to write this post about my Knotty but Nice for a little while now, but every time I think about it I become overcome with entirely unnecessary rage! Needless to say it is not going well and the red mist is not really helping with my problem solving. The silly thing is that I don't think it is even that bad, but I can't find the problem and unknitting cables is a total pain in the arse. I think I'll have to put it aside for a couple of days until I've stopped being angry with it and no doubt I will then get it sorted in seconds. Now, I am aware that I regularly recommend knitting as a brilliant way to relax and my current attitude isn't really endorsing this! Getting frustrated with something that I do purely for pleasure does seem a bit silly, but I guess that means that I am challenging myself rather than just sitting down with a simple mindless project. It's probably character building!

So while that hat is on the naughty step I am going to try and revisit an old project that has been hanging around for a while...the Marie skirt that I started sewing for Jess sometime around August. I'm not entirely sure why I ground to a halt on this one, I think it is because it needs shortening and that means that the facing for the hem will need to be a different size to the original pattern piece. For some reason I have convinced myself this will be hard. It won't, so hopefully I can break the habit of a lifetime and stop procrastinating long enough to actually get on with it. Maybe the fact that I have had no lovely pictures of finished objects for a wee while will spur me on... let's see!

Friday, 5 February 2010

Tidying up

I’ve had a few days off from posting, not (as is usually the case) because I have done absolutely nothing of note but because I have actually been very busy indeed. When I moved into my flat in September I wanted it to be a little haven of loveliness, but actually it has just been really messy. Moving was a bit of a drama, I moved out of a massive bungalow in to a tiny flat and somehow had to work out where to put everything. Then once I had worked that out I had a whole load of boxes and moving paraphernalia with nowhere to put them. This resulted in unsightly piles of boxes taking up the room I needed to put stuff away in and my flat looking rather shabby. So this weekend my brother finally came and relieved me of all of those boxes and I could finally finish putting everything in it’s place. It has taken me the best part of 3 days but it looks lovely, although slightly unrecognisable. When I got home from work yesterday I had a fleeting moment of panic as I thought I had been burgled!

Oh and just a quick note, I’ve found my ball winder, so no more hand rolled balls rolling around the floor for me – hurrah!